Signs that Your Commercial AC Unit is Failing

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failing air conditioning system

There are many common commercial HVAC problems that can plague your business, and in Tampa’s hot climate, even the smallest issues can put a big dent in productivity. It’s best to keep a close eye on your HVAC system at all times, so you’re aware of these matters long before they put you out of business.

Do you know which indicators to watch for to ensure your system isn’t failing? These top signs will help you catch things early, so you can schedule a repair or start considering a replacement before your situation gets dire.

Strange Smells

Unpleasant odors are never a good sign, particularly when they become a persistent part of the environment. There are some smells that can easily be remedied, such as the musty odor of a dirty air filter. However, if you find that a monthly filter swap doesn’t resolve the issue, it’s time to get a professional in to diagnose the problem.

Foul odors associated with your commercial AC unit may come from standing water, mold and mildew growth, overheated components, or even a gas leak. You should always address strange smells immediately and resolve the issue as soon as possible to make sure you’re operating safely in your commercial environment.

Unusual Noises

Any sound that’s out of the ordinary is a cause for concern with your commercial AC unit. A grinding noise usually means the air handle’s bearings are failing. Squealing can indicate an issue with the fan belt. If there’s a thumping or “thwapping” sound, you may have something caught in the fan. Banging and rattling can come from a loose or unbalanced part.

Don’t ignore the sound, however slight. These types of issues can get much worse over time. Give us a call to have it checked out as soon as you detect something’s wrong.

Hot and Cold Spots

Are there certain parts of the office that are highly coveted for their extra-cool atmosphere, while others are avoided like the plague because they’re always sweltering? You shouldn’t have to deal with inconsistent airflow and hot and cold spots throughout your workspace. Keep employees and clients comfortable by addressing common commercial HVAC problems like these.

Uneven heating and cooling may result from leaky or poorly insulated air ducts. You may also have temperature control issues in your commercial AC unit, or improperly sealed windows and doors. Speaking with an HVAC professional will help you get to the bottom of the issue so you can enjoy reliable comfort in every part of your building.

Rising Bills

If your utility bills are gradually creeping higher, this is almost always an indicator of commercial HVAC problems. There are many issues that could be at the root of this problem. You may find that a thorough tune-up improves matters drastically, or you might want to consider installing a new unit if yours is nearing the end of its life expectancy. Speak with one of our professionals to find out how you can get your bills back down to a more comfortable level.

Never leave things to linger when you suspect something’s wrong with your commercial AC system. Keep Tropic-Kool Engineering on speed dial and give us a call at 727-581-2824 any time you suspect something is going wrong. We’ll help you get your system in top shape again in no time.





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We are a Commercial HVAC company serving the greater Tampa Bay area. This blog covers issues relating to Commercial HVAC.

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